20110123 2 Po trase Zimného maratónu

  • 30.4 km


  • 549 m

    Elevation Gain

  • 547 m

    Elevation Loss

  • 464 m

    Max height

  • 221 m

    Min height

  • Road

  • Equip

  • Skill

  • Effort

Descrizione del percorso

23.1.2011 Dnes som si snád vyžral bikovú smolu na celú sezónu. Najprv sa mi nejakým zázrakom nespustili sopky, co som však zistil až cca 200 m od Malnského vrchu. Takže na konci 1. stúpania, kde som šiel samozrejme dost na hrane. Co už, otocka a spät dolu. :-D Prišiel pokus c. 2. Ten však skoncil ešte skôr, už na vrchu 1. asfaltového kopceka, kde som musel lepit defekt na zadnom kolese. Pitchi! Po zalepení som sa spustil opät na štart. Stopky už v pohode, defekt tiež nic, tak som išiel. :-) No bol som celkom znicený po tých prvých "pokusoch". Nevadí. Niekde nad Kacínom zacali dalšie problémy - retaz strielala, zrazu nechcel dobre držat na píle a pri silovom šliapaní preskakovala/padala. Marha! Nadával som vždy ako pohan. :-D Do toho ešte horšie radenie než obvykle (brody a voda spravili svoje), tak som radil systémom nie 2 hore a 1 dole, ale 3-4 hore a modlit sa, aby to preradilo. Šlo naprázdno. No hrôza... Ked som mal za sebou stúpania na cervenej, bol som tak znicený... Aj vietor mi fúkal oproti, kamarát môj. :-D Na žltej som zase zistil, že mi zamrzla zadná brzda. Hmm, tak opatrne a brzdit len prednou. Ked je to zadarmo... Zjazd dolu do Marianky som nejako pretrpel (zimááá a protivietor) a na námestí sa mohol "tešit" zo zlého casu... Ale som rád, že som to dobojoval. Stálo to vela sebazaprenia. :-D Vcera sa mi šlo miliónkrát lepšie.


23.1.2011 Today I can hopefully get the better bulls luck for the whole season. First, by some miracle I did not start the volcano, but what I found up to about 200 m from the top Malnského. So at the end of the first climb, where I went, of course, enough to edge. What has, Otocka and back down. :-D came experiment c. He finished second but even earlier, already at the top of the first asphalt scoop, where I had to stick puncture on the rear wheel. Pitch! Gluing, I started again to start. Stopwatch already cool, defect also nothing, so I went. :-) Well I was completely destroyed after the first & quot, & quot experiments ;. Never mind. Somewhere over KACIN started another problem - Chains fired, suddenly wanted to hold well on the diligence and the forceful pedaling skipped / fell. Marha! I always swore like a peasant. :-D In the worse sort than usual (fords and water did his), so I do not advise running 2 up and 1 down but 3-4 up and pray that it shifted. It was empty. No horror ... When I was behind him climb on June, I was devastated ... the wind blew me in comparison, my friend. :-D The yellow again, I found that my rear brake froze. Hmm, so caution and only the front brake. While it is free ... Downhill down to Marianka I somehow endured (zimááá a headwind) and the square could & quot; look forward & quot; from the wrong time ... But I'm glad I Doboj. It cost a lot of self-denial. :-D Yesterday I went a million times better.





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