20090107 Cez Klanec a Kacín ku Slivovi a cez Želzenú studnicku spät

  • 32.2 km


  • 442 m

    Elevation Gain

  • 448 m

    Elevation Loss

  • 414 m

    Max height

  • 146 m

    Min height

  • Road

  • Equip

  • Skill

  • Effort

Descrizione del percorso

7.1.2009 Dnes bolo dost na nic pocasie, teda skôr bolo zamracené. Ani vstávat sa mi nechcelo. Naštastie som presvedcil Jura, nech ide so mnou na bike. Rozhodli sme sa íst na Biely kríž. No už pred Kacínom Juro hlásil, že je mu strašná zima na prsty na nohách. Tak sme sa dohodli, že to vezmeme cez Malý Slavín a Slivu a uvidíme. Nakoniec sme to stocili po modrej z Malinského vrchu na asfaltku (celá pod snehom, avšak ujazdená áut) a singlom pozdlž nej sme prešli Železnú (bolo to vcelku vtipné). Aby som nezabudol, trasa zimného maratónu bola (tam kde sme išli) "odhrnutá". 2 okrajové stopy od stroja boli síce vcelku zle zjazdné, lebo sa v nich šmýkalo, avšak stred bol celkom dobrý, utlacený. Aj tak to nebolo nic moc, len sme sa pomaly plahocili v záplave snehu.


7.1.2009 Today was pretty useless weather, so it was rather cloudy. Even I did not want to get up. Fortunately I convince Jura, let him go with me on the bike. We decided to go to the White Cross. Well before Kacín Juro reported that he is very cold to the toes. So we agreed that we take it through a small Slavin and Sliva and see. Finally, we put up the blue Malinská top of the asphalt road (all under the snow, but ujazdená cars) and singles along it we passed iron (it was quite funny). Before I forget, winter marathon route was (where we went) & quot, & quot parting ;. 2 feet from the edge of the machine are drivable although quite wrong, because in them slipped, but the center is quite good, the oppressed. Even so, it was not anything much, we just plodded slowly in the flood of snow.





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