Garmin MTB Days 3 with Cycle Gran Canaria

  • 51.1 km


  • 1368 m

    Elevation Gain

  • 1327 m

    Elevation Loss

  • 1069 m

    Max height

  • 42 m

    Min height

  • Road

  • Equip

  • Skill

  • Effort

Descrizione del percorso

Follows the same access to the hills as Garmin Days I & II, it\'s an excellant way to start your ride, there\'s still some bike & carry at the same points, but I find I am mastering the singletrack technical sections every time I get through here,the trails are remote so you won\'t be popping through here on a whim.Instead of heading east, we head off into the unknown, well it was for me anyway! I wanted to find a way to Palmitos Park, arriving there through the back way into the wildlife park, up the eagle\'s ass as it where.There is some incredible scenery here, very remote and a bit intimidating, as the trail snakes forever ahead of you.Photos: See all pictures and videos from Garmin MTB Days 3 with Cycle Gran Canaria

Follows the same access to the hills as Garmin Days I & II, it\'s an excellant way to start your ride, there\'s still some bike & carry at the same points, but I find I am mastering the singletrack technical sections every time I get through here,the trails are remote so you won\'t be popping through here on a whim.Instead of heading east, we head off into the unknown, well it was for me anyway! I wanted to find a way to Palmitos Park, arriving there through the back way into the wildlife park, up the eagle\'s ass as it where.There is some incredible scenery here, very remote and a bit intimidating, as the trail snakes forever ahead of you.Photos: See all pictures and videos from Garmin MTB Days 3 with Cycle Gran Canaria




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