20120804 2 Z Turbiku

  • 44.5 km


  • 784 m

    Elevation Gain

  • 730 m

    Elevation Loss

  • 611 m

    Max height

  • 139 m

    Min height

  • Road

  • Equip

  • Skill

  • Effort

Descrizione del percorso

4.8.2012 Trochu sa mi natiahla šichta, šupol som si potom obed zadarmo (vcera som pomohol koníckárovi) a lesom domov. Plán bol modrou smer Baba a po žltej cez Slnecné údolie na 3kk. Modrú z PK som nejako netrafil, co však nevadí, lebo ten spodok je (bol) zapadaný a neprejazdný. Prešiel som nejako "by ocko", napojil sa na modrú, dal si pekný zjazd po žltej do Slnecného údolia, výšlap na cervenú a po nej na BK, kde som si dal kofolu a kúsok závinu. Na Somárovi som stretol Milana. Teplo bolo riadne.


4.8.2012 I stretched a little stinker, Šupol I then free lunch (yesterday I helped horseman) and forest home. The plan was blue and the direction of Baba yellow on a sunny valley on 3kk. Blue from PK somehow I missed, but this does not matter, because the bottom is (was) engaging and impassable. I went through something " by Daddy & quot ;, connect to the blue, gave a nice downhill on the yellow in the sunny valley, hike the red and after the BK where I put a piece of strudel cola. Donkeys I met Milan. The heat was proper.





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