20110205 Hainburg, Schlosshof, Marchegg, Angern a Záhorím spät

  • 103 km


  • 280 m

    Elevation Gain

  • 272 m

    Elevation Loss

  • 169 m

    Max height

  • 61 m

    Min height

  • Road

  • Equip

  • Skill

  • Effort


5.2.2011 Další jarný víkend - teplota nad 10°C, voda od topiaceho sa snehu a silný SZ vietor. :-) Kým som sa dostal na 2. breh Dunaja za Hainburg, bol som aj s bikom riadne mokrý. No nic... Prišla dalšia tortúra, bocný protivetor. Na nejaké 3-4 km som si orazil, ked ma predbehol polnohospodársky stroj. Nástup a bol som v háku. 35 proti vetru nie je zlé, ale mohol pridat. :-D Ked som videl Angern, bol som riadne znicený. Nejako som sa tam dotrepal a pockal na kompu (akurát bola na 2. brehu). Pri vychádzaní zo Záhorskej Vsi som pred sebou (cca 25 s) zazrel 3 cestných cyklistov. Reku "dotiahnem ich". Nie, nie, šli rovnako ako ja, resp. približoval som sa velmi pomaly a co som získal, to som opät stratil. Pred Vysokou som to vzdal, nemal som na to. No pri výjazde z obce som ich opät videl, tak som trošku pridal. Aj sa otácali a pridali aj oni. Vtedy ma nasrali. :-D Cvakol som tam 9-tku, zalahol za rajdy a po chvílke ich mal (odbocka na Zohor). Dlho som sa však s nimi nezviezol, lebo jednému z nich hned za železnicným prejazdom odpadla lavá kluka. Smola... :-D V Stupave prišla dalšia kríza, celý špinavý bike, retaz cvirikajúca, ako keby som sa zajebával niekde v lese. Prepol som Garmina na vzdialenost, výpocty hovorili o 100-vke, tak žiadne prídavky sa konat nemuseli. Len cez Dúbravku domov. Doma obed, bike do sprchy (ale až po mne) a potom o 15:00 pozerat cyklokros. :-) Ponaucenie z dneška - Félix nepatrí na asfalt, ide pomaly, tažko. Už aby došli komponenty!


05/02/2011 Another spring weekend - temperatures above 10-degree C water from melting snow and strong NW winds. :-) Until I got to the second bank of the Danube in Hainburg, I was well Bikom properly wet. Anyway ... came another Tortúra, side protivetor. On some 3-4 km I Orazio, when I overtook agricultural machines. Onset and I was the hook. 35 the wind is not bad, but could be added. :-D When I saw Angern, I was properly destroyed. Somehow I dotrepal there and wait for the ferry (just the 2nd bank). On leaving the Zahorska Ves I have in front of you (about 25 seconds) saw 3 road cyclists. Greeks & quot, & quot tighten their ;. No, no, they went as well as I, respectively. I approached very slowly, and what I got, I lost again. Before college, I gave up, I had to do it. But at the exit of the village, I saw them again, so I added a little. Also, they roll and they also added. Then I piss off. :-D I clicked there 9-TKU, hit the sack for rajdy and after a while they had (turning to Zohor). However long I nezviezol with them because one of them just fell off railroad crossing Lavá boy. Pitch ...: -DV Stupava came another crisis, the whole dirty bike, chain twittering as if I zajebával somewhere in the woods. I switched to Garmin distance, calculations were talking about 100-TBE and no allowances shall be held not have. Just over Dubravka home. Lunch at home, bike in the shower (but to me), and then at 15:00 watch cyclocross. :-) Lessons from today - Félix not asphalt, it is slow, difficult. Components that have arrived!




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