20100404 Sústredenie s Merida biking teamom - 2. den

  • 77.4 km


  • 1045 m

    Elevation Gain

  • 1051 m

    Elevation Loss

  • 782 m

    Max height

  • 471 m

    Min height

  • Road

  • Equip

  • Skill

  • Effort


4.4.2010 Dnešný výjazd bol už aj s elitákmi, ktorí vcera vecer pricestovali z cestných pretekov pri Brne. Zo zaciatku bolo tempo pohodové, miernejšie než vcera. No potom od cca polovice sa to akosi rozbehlo a už sme valili. Zacali sme prevažne asfaltom a neskôr prešli viac menej do terénu, kde sme opät pokrstili stroje aj seba bahnom, vodou a snehom. Ale bolo super, vyšlo slnko a nakoniec, hoci sa to ráno nezdalo, bolo teplo. Naobliekaní po vcerajšku s vidinou väcšej kosy sme sa potili a topili vo vlastných výluckoch. :) Zakoncenie výjazdu prebehlo opät na XC trati. No zase len tí najvytrvalejší.


4.4.2010 Today's trip was already a elitákmi, who arrived last night from the road race at Brno. From the beginning, the pace leisurely, milder than yesterday. But since then, about half of it off and somehow we're swarmed. We started mostly asphalt and later passed more or less into the field, where we christened the machine again yourself too mud, water and snow. But it was cool, the sun was up, and finally, although it did not appear in the morning, it was warm. Naobliekaní after yesterday with the prospect of a greater scythes we sweated and drowning in its own excreta. :) Terminated with exit took place again on the XC track. But again only the most persistent.




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