20090629 Smer Cunovo a korytnacka spoted

  • 36.3 km


  • 118 m

    Elevation Gain

  • 148 m

    Elevation Loss

  • 247 m

    Max height

  • 138 m

    Min height

  • Road

  • Equip

  • Skill

  • Effort


29.6.2009 Doobeda som trcal doma, lebo som mal ešte mokré tretry zo vcera. No naštastie okolo obeda vyšlo slnko, tak rýchlejšie doschli. Najprv som si vzhladom na predpoved pocasia (búrky/dážd okolo 16.h) chcel dat niekolko koliecok "horskej prémie", no nakoniec som si dal len 1 a pripojil sa k Filipovi, ktorý šiel do Cunova. Cestou sme stretli korytnacku, áno, KORYTNACKU na hrádzi pri cisticke odpadových vôd v Petržalke. Radšej sme ju cvakli, lebo toto by nám asi nikto neuveril. Pri bufete, ako sa odpája asfaltka od hrádze ku houseboatom, sme sa otocili, lebo mraky strašili. Cestou spät sme mali protivietor, teda aspon myslím, lebo aj cestou tam sa mi zdalo, že bol. No vrtule dokazovali, že fúkal zo SV/V. Pri dostihovke nás decentne obehol nejaký cestný cyklista z Dukly, my sme šli 33, on 34. Predbiehanie kamiónov. Filip mierne pridal, ja tiež a v 35-ke sme ho predbehli. Potom nás predbehol opät, no už ked som zacul cvak-cvak-cvak, došlo mi, že je zle. Aj bolo. Proti vetru to vytiahol na 45km/h, možno aj viac, no to som už neuvisel. Najprv som sa za neho z 3. pozície zapojil, no postupne sa mi zdaloval. Uvisel som len niekolko 100m. Radšej som ho z o slušnosti potom nechal, aby nemal mindrák, že ho dal MTB-ckár. :o) Aspon chvílu som šiel približným tempom cestných pretekárov.


29.6.2009 Morning I stuck at home because I still had wet shoes from yesterday. But luckily the sun came out around noon and quickly doschli. First, I respect the weather forecast (storm / rain around 16.h) wanted to put a few laps & quot, & quot premium mountain ;, but eventually I just gave one and joined Philip, who went to Cunovo. On the way we met turtles, yes turtles on the dam at a sewage treatment plant in Petrzalka. We prefer it clicked, because this would give us, no one believed. The buffet as Blacktop disconnects from the dam to the houseboat, we turned, because clouds scared. On the way back we had a headwind, at least I think, because the way there seemed to me that he was. No propeller showing that blew from the SV / V. When dostihovke us some decent circulation road cyclist from Dukla, we went 33, 34 Overtaking on trucks. Filip slight bow, I-35 and also to have overtaken him. Then overtook us again, but already when I heard a click-click-click, it occurred to me that it is wrong. Also was. Against the wind pulled it to 45 km / h, maybe even more, but then I neuvisel. At first I was for him the position of 3 engaged, but gradually seemed to me. ISI'm just a few 100 meters. I prefer it out of courtesy then allowed to not paranoia, it gave MTB-ckár. : O) At least while I went approximate pace of road racers.




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