20090617 2 Z práce 12

  • 40.1 km


  • 722 m

    Elevation Gain

  • 688 m

    Elevation Loss

  • 626 m

    Max height

  • 145 m

    Min height

  • Road

  • Equip

  • Skill

  • Effort


17.6.2009 Z práce mi ukázal Turbi pekný singel do Slnecného údolia a odprevadil madalej po žltej na Tri kamenné kopce. Odtial som tahal po cervenej na Biely kríž (od Salaša po BK s Patom), potom klasicky cez Malý Slavín a Kacín do Rázsoch (tam som stretol pre zmenu Karin) a cez Líšcie údolie domov.


17.6.2009 The work showed me a nice single to Turbo sunny valley and escorted the yellow to chestnut Three stone hills. From there I pulled the red on White Cross (Salas from the BK with Pat), then through a small classic Slavin and KACIN to Rázsoch (where I met Karin for a change) and through the Fox valley home.




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