20140405 Kamzík, Pekná cesta, Biely kríž, Cerová dráha

  • 51.2 km


  • 969 m

    Elevation Gain

  • 955 m

    Elevation Loss

  • 495 m

    Max height

  • 173 m

    Min height

  • Road

  • Equip

  • Skill

  • Effort


5.4.2014 S Tomášom. Hned po návrate z práce som vyrážal, bez obeda. možno aj preto sa mi nešlo dobre. Tomáš bol po chorobe, tak sme išli pomaly. Cestou spät som zaznamenal pád v zjazde ku kaplnke za Veronikou. Drop som prešiel, no vybral som stopu privelmi vpravo a chytil kôpku kamenov. Zopár šrámov na Félixovi navyše.


05/04/2014 S Thomas. Immediately after returning from work I started off without lunch. maybe because I was not well. Thomas was the illness, so we went slowly. On the way back I saw the fall of the Congress to the chapel for Veronica. Drop I passed, but I chose the right track too and grabbed a pile of rocks. A few scars on Félix addition.




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