Monte Conero Buona La Prima!

  • 16.3 km


  • 376 m

    Elevation Gain

  • 298 m

    Elevation Loss

  • 489 m

    Max height

  • 195 m

    Min height

  • Road

  • Equip

  • Skill

  • Effort


Ottimo inizio per affrontare delle vere salite in mountainbike.Affrontato il Monte Conero salendo per lo Stradone di S Andrea,fino a giungere al Pian di Raggetti,quindi,ancora breve ascesa,per poi attraversare verso sud la parte alta del Monte,giungendo all'Ex Convento!Breve discesa fino al belvedere sulle Due Sorelle e ritorno sullo stesso sentiero!Quindi discesa stradale fino alle Cave e rientro sulla Provinciale del Conero!Eccellente la risposta alla fatica del Gruppo...meno la risposta sulla tecnica per affrontare tratti di sconnesso comunque davvero insidiosi che hanno,in alcuni segmenti,causato la naturale discesa dalla tutto assolutamente comprensibile visto che i Bikers hanno all'attivo appena poche uscite!Comunque Bravi!Il Guru li ha premiati non infierendo con discese tecniche è vero,ma ciò non toglie che quanto fatto sia ampiamente degno di nota!Bravi Corrado,Francesca,Alessandra...e la New Entry...Assolutamente all'altezza Betta!
Great start to address some real climbs on Mount Conero mountainbike.Engage Conero going up the Avenue S Andrew, to arrive at Pian di Raggetti, therefore, still short climb, then south across the top of the mountain, coming down ' Ex Convento! brief descent to the belvedere on Two Sisters and back on the same path! Then downhill road to the Cave and return to the Provincial Conero! Excellent response to fatigue group ... minus the response on the technique to address whether disconnected still really insidious that, in some segments, causing the natural descent from the saddle ... all completely understandable given that the bikers have to ' active only a few releases! Well done anyway! Guru prevailed with them not winning technical descents is true, but the fact remains that what is done well worthy of note! Well done Conrad, Francesca, Alexandra ... and New Entry Betta ... Absolutely Great!Photos: See all pictures and videos from Monte Conero Buona La Prima!

Great start to address some real climbs in mountainbike.Affrontato Mount Conero going up the Avenue of S Andrea, until you reach the Pian di Raggetti, therefore, still short ascent, we pass through the south part of the high Monte, leading to ' ex Convento! Short descent to the lookout on the Two Sisters and return on the same path! So road descent to the Cave and return on Provincial Conero! Excellent response to the Group's effort ... less on the technical answer to address stretches of bumpy nevertheless really insidious who, in some segments, caused the natural descent from the saddle ... all totally understandable since the Bikers and have held just a few exits! anyway Bravi! the Guru has rewarded them not raging with technical descents is true but the fact remains that what has been done is widely remarkable! Bravi Corrado, Francesca, Alessandra ... and the New Entry ... Living up Betta!
Great start to address some real climbs on Mount Conero Conero mountainbike.Engage going up the Avenue S Andrew, to arrive at Pian di Raggetti, Therefore, still short climb, then south across the top of the mountain, coming down 'Ex Convent! brief descent to the lookout on Two Sisters and back on the same path! Then downhill road to the Cave and return to the Provincial Conero! Excellent response to fatigue group ... minus the response on the technique to address Whether disconnected still really insidious That, in some segments, causing the natural descent from the saddle ... all completely understandable given That the bikers have to 'active only in few releases! Well done anyway! Guru prevailed with them not winning technical descents is true, but the fact remains That what is done well worthy of note! Well done Conrad, Francesca, and Alexandra ... New Entry Betta ... Absolutely Great! Photos: See all pictures and videos from Monte Conero Good First!



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