20130619 Kamzík, Pekná cesta, Biely kríž, Pánova lúka

  • 45.6 km


  • 844 m

    Elevation Gain

  • 833 m

    Elevation Loss

  • 498 m

    Max height

  • 178 m

    Min height

  • Road

  • Equip

  • Skill

  • Effort


19.6.2013 S Tomášom, pod Cerveným mostom sme sa stretli rovno aj s Andrejom, ktorý šiel (na jeho smolu) okolo. :-D Najprv náucným chodníkom na Kamzík, kde Tomáš nastúpil a bol to problém rozdýchat. Potom single na Peknú cestu, odtial pod cervený kríž na vodu. Odtial išli chalani po asfalte, ja som to zobral zelenou ku Vydrici, na žltú a zozadu po modrej na BK. Lenivci tam už boli, samozrejme... Tu sa ku nám prichomejtol aj Mato Kovácik. Tomáša som ledva presvedcil, aby nešiel asfaltom, ale dole po modrej smer Raca, pricom by sme išli singlom hore na Cervený kríž. Neveril, že to nebude do kopca. :-) Neskôr zhodnotil, že som mal pravdu a bolo to super. :-) Ešte sme prešli cez Pánovu lúku ku Slivovi, singlom na Železnú a domov. Fajný pojazd, nohy celkom išli, hoci som cítil nejakú únavu a bol som málo najedený. No a teplo...  


19/06/2013 S Thomas, the Red Bridge we met at even with Andrej, who went (on the pitch) around. :-D first educational path to Chamois, where Thomas and he was to leave your problem. Then the single nice road, thence the Red Cross water. From there they went after the asphalt guys, I took it to Vydrica green, the yellow and the blue behind the BK. Lazy people were already there, of course ... Here is to us prichomejtol and Mato Kovácik. Thomas I barely persuaded not to go with asphalt, but down the blue direction Raca, while we went up single of the Red Cross. Believe that it will not uphill. :-) Evaluated later that I was right and it was great. :-) We have passed through the meadow to the Lord Sliva, single in iron and home. Fajny trolley, legs completely gone, even though I felt some fatigue and I was little the fed. And the heat ... & nbsp;




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