Un Altro Giorno Meraviglioso Perso...Dagli Altri!

  • 12.6 km


  • 359 m

    Elevation Gain

  • 353 m

    Elevation Loss

  • 562 m

    Max height

  • 186 m

    Min height

  • Road

  • Equip

  • Skill

  • Effort


Un Altro Giorno Meraviglioso Perso...Dagli Altri!Altra grande mattinata sul Nostro Magico Monte...eddir che sembrava dal mattino...un giorno uggioso e sicuramente senza sole...ma poi...come per magia...una giornata splendida ci ha accolto e coccolato!Stavolta i bikers hanno affrontato la salita sul Monte lato sud...asfaltata!Salita di pendenze non impossibili ma costanti senza pause!Ottima prestazione fisica ...visto anche l’allenamento in dotazione agli Allievi!Raggiunto il piazzale dell’ex convento,deviazione verso le Antenne della sommità del Monte Conero...e da lì... lunga discesa...bellissima fino al Poggio!Notevolissima e meravigliosa la pausa al punto di Belvedere....sempre emozionante e soprattutto regalatoci dal Cielo con questo clima dolcissimo e perfettamente adeguato alla bike in una bellissima giornata d’autunno!Il Cobra(sempre pronto a scattare!) ,Franci(bravissima in discesa...trattore in salita!)e IL GURU!
Another wonderful day ... From the Other Lost!Another great morning on Our Magic Mountain ... Eddir seemed a gloomy day in the morning ... and certainly no sun ... but then ... like magic ... a beautiful day we were welcomed and pampered!This time, the bikers have faced the uphill on the south side of Mount ... asphalt! Climb slopes of constant non-stop but not impossible! Excellent physical ... also saw the training provided to the students! Reached the courtyard of the former convent detour to the summit of Mount Conero Antennas ... and there ... long descent to Poggio ... beautiful! remarkable and wonderful break at the point of Belvedere .... always exciting and above all regalatoci from Heaven with this mild climate and perfectly suited to the bike in a beautiful autumn day!The Cobra (always ready to shoot!), Franci (downhill is very good... a tractor on uphill!) And THE GURUPhotos: See all pictures and videos from Un Altro Giorno Meraviglioso Perso...Dagli Altri!

Another Day Wonderful Perso ... From Other! Another great morning to Our Magic Mountain ... Eddir that seemed in the morning ... a gloomy day and definitely not alone ... but then ... as if by magic ... a beautiful day greeted us and pampered! This time the bikers tackled the climb on Mount southern ... paved! gradients Salita not impossible but steady without pause! Excellent physical performance ... also saw the training provided to students ! reached the square of the former convent, detour to the antennas of the Monte Conero top ... and from there ... ... beautiful long descent until the Poggio! Remarkable and wonderful break at the point of Belvedere .... always exciting and especially regalatoci from Heaven with this mild climate and perfectly adapted to the bike in a beautiful autumn day! The Cobra (always ready to fire!), Franci (very good downhill ... tractor uphill!) and THE GURU !
Another wonderful day ... From the Other Lost! Another great morning on Our Magic Mountain ... Eddir Seemed a gloomy day in the morning and ... Certainly no sun ... but then ... like magic. .. a beautiful day we were welcomed and pampered! This time, the bikers have faced the uphill on the south side of Mount ... asphalt! Climb slopes of constant non-stop but not impossible! Excellent physical ... also saw the training provided to the students! Reached the courtyard of the former convent detour to the summit of Mount Conero Antennas ... and there ... long descent to Poggio ... beautiful! remarkable and wonderful break at the point of Belvedere .... always exciting and above all regalatoci from Heaven with this mild climate and perfectly suited to the bike in a beautiful autumn day! The Cobra (always ready to shoot!), Franci (downhill is very good ... and tractor on uphill!) and THE GURUPhotos: See all pictures and videos from Another Day Wonderful Perso ... from Other!



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