20100402 2 Z Nového Mesta na Morave do Osady Yukon

  • 12.2 km


  • 226 m

    Elevation Gain

  • 107 m

    Elevation Loss

  • 768 m

    Max height

  • 614 m

    Min height

  • Road

  • Equip

  • Skill

  • Effort


2.4.2010 Cestou vlakom krásne svietilo slnko, okolité terény vcelku suché. No za Tišnovom mi sprievodkyna po skontrolovaní lístka povedala: "Nové Mesto na Morave? Vy jedete do snehu?" :D Vraj cez noc napadlo 20cm snehu. Super... Na stanici to bolo ešte ok, akurát cesty mokré. No ked som sa vyštveral na kopec, už to zacalo. Sneh aj na na niektorých asfaltkách a vela vody. Tak som šiel z kopca pomalšie než do neho. Trošku som si aj zašiel, lebo som nepocítal so snehom a nemal som náladu sa v nom borit skratkou k ubytku. Preto som to zobral oklukou po asfalte.


2.4.2010 travel by train beautiful sun was shining, the surrounding terrain fairly dry. No emergency for my tour guide after checking the ticket said: & quot; New Town in Moravia? Are you going to snow? & Quot; : D Supposedly overnight occurred 20 cm of snow. Super Station ... it was still ok, just wet roads. But when I climbed the hill, it starts. Snow also some asphalt roads and plenty of water. So I went downhill slowly than into it. I'm also a bit gone, because I are not going to snow and I had mood It borate shortcut to decline. That's why I took a circuitous route to the tarmac.




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